Thursday 3 February 2011

Prayer & Fasting

Tuesday morning we all travelled up to Peterborough to be part of the Newfrontiers Prayer & Fasting days. This was the first time I had been to this event and wasn't really sure what to expect other than the obvious prayer...and fasting. 

After a four and a half hour drive, we finally reach the King's Gate centre. The building, situated on an industrial estate has seating in the main auditorium for 1200 people! 

The first day was brilliant, the morning sessions were left pretty open to the spirit moving, and boy did he! Then in the afternoon David Devenish shared about his travels in eastern Europe (Russian etc) and then asked God to move in power in those nations. 

Our evening session was a little different. We had Bob Roberts come over from Texas USA to share his experiences as a church planter and offer some advice from his experience. What he had to bring was fresh, humorous and very challenging. 

The second day followed suit with us praying for all other aspects of our movement from students, youth, USA and for the upcoming everything conference. In the afternoon it was great to here from Terry about his travels in the southern-hemisphere. You can keep up with his travels on his blog. 

All in all the event was fantastic. Personally, I feel challenged about what God is calling me to, and my part in the big picture. It was also brilliant to be gathered together with 800 Newfrontiers church leaders. It's not often you get to gather with 800 people all really excited and radically worshipping God.

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