Thursday, 26 May 2011

How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth

I am currently writing an assignment on bible genres and how to approach them correctly. This has led me to dive back into a fantastic book, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth. The book has been a tremendous help with writing the assignment and at points I have been tempted to just hand the book in and say "there you go!" 

Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart have written a wonderfully clear and insightful book on approaching the bible and getting maximum nutrition from it. They correct many common mistakes made while reading the word of God and offer "essential insights into scripture and its application".

They say that "Understanding the bible isn't just for the few, the gifted, the scholarly. The bible is accessible. It's meant to be read and comprehended by everyone..." This is so true. Everyone from the new believer to the seasoned preacher can and needs to understand this wonderful living book. 

Grab a copy of Fee & Stuarts fantastic book and get stuck into God's word, reading it "for All its worth."  


  1. love your blog joseph, any blogspots you follow that you love and recommend? xx

  2. All the ones I follow are down the left hand side of my page. Especially recommend Adrian Warnock, Terry Virgo's, Al Mohler's is a good one (lots of content on all sorts of different subjects) and the newfrontiers theology forum is very good! There is a selection. :)
