A fork in the road.
For a while now I have been doing my university application, and today it finally all came together and I sent it off. After the initial shock of finding the price has gone up (it's now £21!!!) I clicked the send button and now it's just a waiting game to see whether anyone actually wants me.
Making the decision on where I would like to go is the tough part. There are five choices, hence the reason this post is called "A fork in the road".The five choices that I have are Canterbury, Winchester, Exeter, Nottingham and Chichester, all to study Theology.
At the moment, I really don't have a clue where to be heading, so I am seeking revelation from God as to where I am best suited to be and where I will be able to glorify his name the most. Obviously a good church is vital for making this decision and I know that in all those places there are some pretty decent churches, which is great!
It's exciting as so many of us will be moving on to new places, meeting new people and growing both in self and in Christ.
All the best...
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