P-J Smyth, a well respected leader among Newfrontiers did a talk at Newday 2007 on the subject of Grace, and it is from that talk that I have taken a bulk of the information here. He put it in a way that really makes it understandable and interesting. As I will only be scratching the surface, why not check out the talk here. P-J is a great communicator, I have been blessed by listening to him over the past few years.
Ephesians 2:8-9...
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast.To start with, we have to recognise that we are all sinners (i.e we have all done something wrong in our lives) and have fallen short of God's glory. This started back in the garden of Eden with Adam and Eve, when they first sinned against God. This sin caused a separation from God and because all sin is against God, it must be punished by death. We are all objects of his wrath. This sounds all doom and gloom I know, but because God loved us (his creation) so much, he provided a way for us to be in relationship with him again.
How did he do this? Through his son Jesus Christ! We cannot bring ourselves any closer to God through our own efforts. Only grace can bring us closer to God, and save us. We can often get into the mind set that God will not love me much if I don't go to church, if I don't read my bible or if I forget to pray to him one night but these things don't matter. They are works and works can't save us. When we believe and put faith in Jesus Christ, we receive the gift of grace which pardons us from our sin. Jesus took our sin on the cross. We contribute nothing to our salvation, it is free, it is a gift!
Salvation = Jesus + Nothing!
If we don't have to contribute anything, yet we have sinned against God, then surely we are getting what we don't deserve? It's a gift, no one deserves gifts, people give gifts to people because they love them. Birthday gifts aren't earned, they are given out of love for that person, and we receive the gift of grace from God, even though we do not deserve it.
The example of the criminal on the cross next to Jesus is very helpful in showing us this principle.
Luke 23:39-43...
39 One of the criminals who were hanged railed at him, saying, "Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us!" 40 But the other rebuked him, saying, "Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? 41 And we indeed justly, for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong." 42 And he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." 43 And he said to him, "Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise."Both the criminals were on the cross for a good reason. They were criminals. They were "bad" men. However, they both had different view points on Jesus. One was being selfish and only cared about himself, while the other knew Jesus was the Christ, the one who had come to save. He knew Jesus had done nothing wrong. All he did was ask Jesus to remember him. He believed Jesus was who he claimed to be and he put his faith in him. This simple act caused Jesus to say "...today you will be with me in Paradise." Amazing! The criminal had done nothing to earn his salvation, he had never prayed or done any good works yet he was saved. He got what he didn't deserve!
Grace is free to us! We can receive it freely. But although it is free to us, it cost Jesus absolutely everything. He was beaten, abused, taunted, rejected for us! He took on all our sins so that the fathers anger and wrath could be satisfied and we may go free. We must accept and put faith in Jesus to receive this grace. Without it we are still objects of God's wrath. Without faith in Christ we are not destined for eternal life. However in Christ there is forgiveness and mercy in abundance. He forgives any sin, and anyone can come to him and ask for forgiveness.
So once we give our lives to Christ does that mean we stop sinning? Well, personally I believe it possible but improbable. When we give our lives to Christ, we are dead to sin and alive in him. However, we are still human and in our weakness we still sometimes slip back into our old ways. But, because of God's grace we are forgiven and he doesn't love us any less. Wonderful!
Living in grace...
Now, if grace is properly explained, it should cause you to think "then doesn't this mean I can go on sinning intentionally because God will forgive me anyway?" I will shortly write an article on living in grace which will explain all about how we should now live because of God's grace upon us.
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